Category Archives: Drawing Board

Improving Accessibility on Historic Listed Building

Improving Accessibility in Historic Listed Building, 2021, London, UK, Commercial, Diplomatic

Started: 2021
In Progress

Following the successful delivery of a new foyer on a Grade 2 liste building, an institutional Client has asked Jordan+Bateman Architects to propose solutions to increase accessibility to the same building.

Several options are under investigation, taking into accound ease of access, reduced maintenance, minimising alterations to the historic fabric and security.

The works will provide step free access to the main grand entrance as well as access to the grand first floor ball room.

A pre-planning application for the proposal was submitted and received positive support from the local authority.

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See Also Hounslow Place

Housing for Residents with Dementia in Norwich

Housing for Residents with Dementia in Norwich, 2022, Norwich, UK, Masterplan

Started: 2021
In Progress

Following the successful planning approval for a first UK pioneering scheme, Jordan+Bateman Architects are pleased to have been selected by CARE, an innovative care home provider, as Lead Designer to work on a second innovative housing concept for residents with dementia inn Norwich.

The team includes Plandecil as co-master planner and Rapleys as planning consultants.

The site, contained within the Southern Bypass road, is adjacent to medical and educational facilities and a historical building. It is paramount to the team to ensure that the development would sit comfortably within the landscape with minimal impact to the character of the surrounding area.

A pre-planning application for the masterplan of the area was submitted in 2021.

The scheme will host 10 detatched and semi-detatched residential buildings, communal facilities such as restaurant, bar, grocery shop together with offices and quarters dedicated to the staff.

This will provide a total of 40 apartments, hosting 120 bedsits, arranged around a variety of protected and heavily landscaped courtyards. these courtyards are connected to provide intimate and secure spaces, encouraging the residents to walk and interact in the outdoor.

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See Also Hounslow Place

House renovation in Hampstead

House renovation in Hampstead, 2020, London, UK, Residential


Started: 2020
In Progress

Jordan+Bateman Architects were appointed to carry out a radical refurbishment for a large residence in the exclusive Hampstead Garden area.

We are intervening with a proposal that achieves a considerable extended floor area over all three floors, plus a newly introduced portion of habitable basement. The old elevation and massing present odd proportions and overly complex volumetries. The proposal brings unity, rigour, style and consistency to the house.

The design retains large part of the existing structure, whilst delivering a completely different aesthetic and internal layout. The cHoice of retaining the structure allows to reduce the embedded CO2 of the works compared to a demolition-and-new-built solution. New windows and internally breathable insulation will deliver a substantial reduction in energy demand.

We were appointed through a pre-selection and restricted competitive tender that saw JBA winning alongside with our Design Team colleagues at Thompson Cole as (Quantity Surveyors, Project Managers) and Samuely (Structural Engineers) and Peters Hay (Service Engineers).

As part of the approval process we have worked with the Hampstead Garden Suburb Trust in a proficient and collaborative way ensuring all stakeholders were satisfied with the deliverables and design approach. This included delivering at eaarly stage typical detail design proposals for key elements, ensuring their appropriateness in design and their statutory compliance.

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See Also Hounslow Place

Cricket Club Housing

Haverhill Cricket Club, 2020, Suffolk, UK, Commercial


Started: 2018
In Progress

Jordan+Bateman Architects are working to unlock a marginal site along a sport venue.

The proposal will deliver residential units at upper floors, above a ground floor level dedicated to residents’ services and carparks.

Occupying the entirety of the plot, the building wraps around the sport ground in a curvilinear, dynamic shape.

Key to unlock the site was to maximise dwellings’ numbers by negotiating the parking provision with the Local Authority.

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See Also Hounslow Place

Deja Vu

Deja Vu, 2019, Suffolk, UK, Commercial

Started: 2019
In Progress

Jordan+Bateman Architects were appointed as architects for the redevelopment of an industrial site.

The scheme delivers a flexible commercial envelope, that has attracted the interest of several potential occupiers thanks to its flexible design configuration.

The site, within the Haverhill commercial zone, is adjacent to other large retail, warehouse and light industrial buildings.

Key to unlock the site was to develop a vehicular access strategy to the satisfaction of the ajoining land’s owner. We assisted our Client by providing working options and by facilitating the negotiating process.

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See Also Hounslow Place

Housing for Residents with Dementia in Haverhill

Housing for Residents with Dementia in Haverhill, 2019, Suffolk, UK, Masterplan

Started: 2019
In Progress

Jordan+Bateman Architects are pleased to have been selected by CARE, an innovative care home provider, as Lead Designer to work on an innovative housing concept for residents with dementia.

The team includes David Jarvis Associates as co-master planner and landscape designer and Rapleys as planning consultants.

The site, outside Haverhill town, is adjacent to an educational facility and a historical building. It was paramount to the team to ensure that the development would sit comfortably within the countryside landscape with minimal impact to the character of the surrounding area.

The scheme will host 10 detatched and semi-detatched residential buildings, communal facilities such as restaurant, bar, grocery shop together with offices and quarters dedicated to the staff.

This will provide a total of 40 apartments, hosting 120 bedsits, arranged around a variety of protected and heavily landscaped courtyards. these courtyards are connected to provide intimate and secure spaces, encouraging the residents to walk and interact in the outdoor.

A planning approval is being agreed.

To appreciate the scale and design intent please click on the link below for a sample fly through video:

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See Also Hounslow Place

Masterplan on Industrial Brownfield Site

Masterplan on Industrial Brownfield Site, 2019, Suffolk, UK

Started: 2017
In Progress

Jordan+Bateman Architects are pleased to have been selected as Lead Designer for a detailed masterplan for a town central area in West Suffolk.

The area is adjacent to the town’s high street, but is currently used mainly for office, warehouse and distribution. Our Client is seeking to regenerate the site by delivering a mixed-use development to include offices, residential, live-work units and a museum, on the industrial heritage of the site, a mix of shops, cafes and bars along with a hub for creative industries. Paramount to our masterplan strategy is the phased approach to ensure viability, maximise return and provide flexibility, should requirements and market conditions diverge from the initial baseline.

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Image Credit: David Jarvis Associates

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See Also Hounslow Place

Multifunctional Foyer

Multifunctional Foyer, 2018, London, UK, Diplomatic

Started: 2017
Completed: 2018

Jordan+Bateman Architects have successfully delivered the refurbishment of the entrance atrium of a Grade II listed building along the Strand in Central London.

The design delivered a multifunctional space that extends the use of the atrium to allow presentations, exhibitions, promotions and other functions. The flexibility of the space is given by integrated audio-visual equipment, bespoke flexible joinery, concealed services and high-end finishes.

The access control system was designed to meet the stringent security requirements and external conservation restraints whilst freeing up the maximum atrium space for a variety of functions. On the internal side the access control enclosures and services are masked behind a metal fretted screen reinforcing the Client’s branding.

The design schedule and site programme were tight to suit a planned reopening of the premises by our Clients and their VIP guests. The building was kept fully operational during the works.

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Image Credit: Jordan+Bateman Architects

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See Also British Embassy and Ambassador’s Residence Paris

Adam Phones

Adam Phones, 2014, London, UK, Office

Started: 2013
Completed: 2014
Client: Adam Phones Ltd

Refurbishment work on Adam Phones Ltd office space in London.

Project details will follow.

Hounslow Place

Hounslow Place, 2019, London, UK, Mixed Use

Started: 2017
Client: Meyer Homes

Jordan+Bateman Architects were appointed as Client Monitoring Architect to assist with the delivery of 279 apartments and 14 houses of mixed tenure, including Private Rent, Shared Ownership and Affordable.

The scheme is based on a series of courtyards and shared surfaces streetscape and is part of a future regeneration masterplan that would eventually see the regeneration of a plot of similar size nearby.

A retail space of approximatively 1,000m2 reinforces the commercial front along London Road.

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CGI Image Credit: PTE Architects

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See AlsoFulham High Street